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The Flowing Victress

SHRUG: Reclaim Your Sovereignty Community Membership

SHRUG: Reclaim Your Sovereignty Community Membership

Regular price $22.00 USD
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Calling all sensitive souls burdened by the healer's heart: It's time to embrace healthy selfishness. 

"But selfishness is BAD!" 

Perhaps in the colloquial sense of the word; but there's another form of selfishness that's liberating, loving, and grounding. 

That kind of selfishness is the focus of SHRUG: Reclaim Your Sovereignty. 

Have you heard the phrase, "Put your life mask on first"? 

How about, "You can't fill from an empty cup"? 

Those sentiments are at the core of the community.

So often we're bombarded with messaging, either implicit or explicit, that tells us we are overly responsible in some way for the heaviness around us.

The world has taught carers, healers, and empaths that we must over-extend ourselves in order to earn love, instilling the idea that we must compromise our own well-being in order to prove our worth. That narrative is rooted in a narcissistic collective shadow that seeks to keep you small and disempowered. Empathy is a superpower; but without boundaries and a solid sense of self-worth, it leads to demise and resentment. 

YOU are your own savior. And in the program, you don't have to navigate the path alone. 

You'll receive access to bi-weekly discussion prompts, exercises, and educational content. 

You'll also receive support from the community creator and other community members. As a member, you have the unique opportunity to shape the program with your presence & input.

Topics touched:

  1. Grief, Loss, & Shame
  2. Navigating a Neurotypical World as a Neurodivergent
  3. Intuition & How to Honor It
  4. Expression > Depression
  5. Quieting External Noise 
  6. Letting Go of That Which Burdens Your Soul
  7. And more

If you identify with any of the following statements, this community is for you: 

  1. I am an empath, intuitive, or psychic
  2. I feel some amount of guilt when I do something for myself, especially when I know other people are struggling
  3. I feel I have untapped power inside of me but don't quite know how to realize it
  4. I am creative but sometimes feel stifled
  5. I struggle with guilt, shame, or other dense emotions
  6. When I feel bad, I feel guilty about it
  7. I want to help other people feel good, loved, and supported - but I don't always feel supported myself
  8. It is challenging for me to rest because I don't fully feel like I deserve it
  9. I know I have a calling, but I'm not sure how to get there
  10. I do not feel quite "at home" anywhere, and this disturbs me
  11. I am neurodivergent and feel misunderstood often

Being self-focused in a healthy, conscious way is the best way to serve those around you. Are you ready to shrug? 

After enrolling, you will receive the community membership link, along with a member survey, within two business days.

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